Qatar’s game in the Sahel

MEMRI Project Raven document

The prevalent anti-French sentiment on social networks often propagates conspiracy theories alleging that France and Western powers support, finance, or arm terrorist groups in the Sahel, supposedly to maintain dominance over their former colonies. These narratives draw from historical grievances rooted in France’s colonial past in the region. Critics argue that France’s sustained military presence in the Sahel may not solely focus on counterterrorism but could also be perceived as safeguarding its economic and strategic interests, fueling suspicions about hidden motives through an anti-colonial lens. Considering the remarkable clarity and consistency of these conspiracy theories blaming France for every ill in the Sahel, one might almost forget the existence of other players in this geopolitical stage play.

However, recent revelations have highlighted a different facet of external involvement in the region. A leaked Qatari government document, as reported by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), revealed that Qatar’s regime allegedly funnelled $15 million to Islamist movements in northern Mali and an entity in the Sahel. This disclosure challenges the discourse solely implicating France in supporting terrorist groups and sheds light on Qatar’s questionable role and actions within the region.

You can read the report here.

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